Around 1000 A.D., a group of exiled Scotsmen lands on German shores. Deciding they didn't want to travel all the way to uninhabited lands, they find a developing barony and begin raiding the populace. The baron fights back, and each skirmish escalates the level of atrocity committed against the other party. Finally, the two parties draw the wrath of God and both are cursed into becoming creatures of the night. At this point, the fight is taken to an all-new level.
This book is a little slow getting started, taking a lot of time to set up the Scots' presence in Germany and the pre-curse violence. However, once the transformations occur, it turns into a pretty good (although somewhat predictable) vampires vs. werewolves story. The author blurb indicated this is a prequel to a series Fackler has in mind and reads as such.
The speech was a little too modern for the 10th Century, but this may have just been an attempt to keep the book easy to read. However, the characters are fairly well-developed and the personalities of each show through, despite there being a lot of characters for a sub-300-page book.
This is a light, fun read and is worth your time even if it doesn't tread any new ground.
Available at and Barnes & Noble.
Title: Bloodfeud: The War of the Fang
Author: Jason Fackler
Year: 2010
Pages: 280
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