Aside from a few nerdgasmic moments introduced by the author, Jeff Burk, the book consisted primarily of jumping from plot point to plot point to plot point with little room for anything else to transpire.
I'm not a huge fan of long, drawn-out descriptions (Herman Melville, you are evil), but I had a difficult time trying to follow the action at times. You could tell Burk had a picture in his mind of what was happening, but he didn't describe it well enough to convey the events to the reader in order to achieve the full effect.
There was also a severe lack of any kind of characterization in this book, and the few characters that did receive any usually ended up as pointless cannon fodder a few pages later.
The less said about the ending, the better. Judging by other's comments on Goodreads, there seem to be one or more sequels, but on its own, it was rather ambiguous and nonsensical.
This was my first "official" bizarro book, so I'm not quite sure if I'm as qualified to review it as others more familiar with the genre, but this didn't do a whole lot for me.
Title: Shatnerquake
Author: Jeff Burk
Year: 2009
Pages: 100
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